
Signs of Generosity Pop Up Around Watertown

This article originally appeared in the Watertown News on July 9, 2020 By Charlie Breitrose The Watertown Community Foundation wanted to thank those who have donated to help out their neighbors during the difficult times cause by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have handed out lawn signs proclaiming “We ♥ Watertown.” WCF Executive Director Jan Singer…
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One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Relearn History

By Guimel DeCarvalho Director of People and Culture, Chief Diversity Officer You may have heard the phrase “history is written by the winners” or “history is written by the victors.” The origin of the phrase is unknown but is often attributed to Sir Winston Churchill. The basic meaning is that the history Americans learn in…
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Summer and COVID-19 – What’s Safe for Families?

By Lisa Gibalerio, MPH Prevention Specialist, Wayside Youth and Family Support Services Program Coordinator, Belmont Wellness Coalition It’s almost 4th of July weekend when people typically flock to beaches, gather for BBQ’s, head to a swimming pool or decide to take a road trip. While businesses and restaurants are re-opening and we’re starting to return…
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One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Support Black-owned Businesses

By Guimel DeCarvalho Director of People and Culture, Chief Diversity Officer Black-owned businesses have long been shut out of capital, loans and lines of credit due to discriminatory practices and systemic defunding of Black communities. Attempts by black business owners to generate wealth have been met with resistance and violence. In 1921, a mob of…
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One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Request an Absentee Ballot, Register to Vote, & Run for Office!

By Guimel DeCarvalho Director of People and Culture, Chief Diversity Officer Voting matters. Voting is the only way to hold our elected leaders accountable. From the president, to state representative, to county district attorney, to town official it matters who has the power to change laws. These officials are often the only ones that can…
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One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Learn and Practice the Tasks of the Privileged by Dr. Ken Hardy

By Guimel DeCarvalho Wayside’s Director of People and Culture and Chief Diversity Officer Prior to engaging in a conversation about race, read, learn, and practice the Tasks of the Privileged by Dr. Ken Hardy. These tasks can serve as good “group rules” in a conversation about race and prevent microaggressions in the process of having…
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Why We’re Making Juneteenth a Paid Holiday

By Guimel DeCarvalho, Director of People and Culture and Chief Diversity Officer at Wayside Youth & Family Support Network Wayside Youth & Family Support Network has long been committed to becoming an anti-racist, social justice and advocacy organization that serves vulnerable youth and families across the state. We apply an equity lens to every facet…
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Column: Why we’re making Juneteenth a paid holiday

This column originally appeared in the MetroWest Daily News on June 18, 2020. By Guimel DeCarvalho, director of People and Culture and chief diversity officer All Wayside staff now have Friday off as a paid holiday. We’ve asked them to share how they are celebrating and observing Juneteenth and provided white staff with 10 actions…
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10 Things We Want White People to Do to Celebrate Juneteenth

By Guimel Carvalho, Director of People and Culture and Amy Hogarth Director of Recruitment and Inclusion Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, marks the day when Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, arrived in Galveston, Texas to announce the end of the Civil War and slavery. It was June 19, 1865 and although…
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Mutual Aid Program Has Linked Dozens in Watertown to Help Each Other During COVID-19

This article originally appeared in the Watertown News on June 18, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown began, a new program paired up people who needed help doing things like going to the grocery stores or getting masks with Town residents who could help them. So far, the Mutual Aid Network in Watertown has had…
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