One Antiracist Action You Can Take Today: Talk About Neurodiversity In The Workplace

At Wayside’s DEI Committee, we are beginning to engage in the conversation of how to build not just an antiracist culture at Wayside, but an anti-ableist one as well. One way to start is by talking about how neurodiversity can show up in the work environment and ways to rethink that environment to make it inclusive to neurodiversity. As stated in one of the articles below, “It’s important to adopt a mindful approach to the different ways in which people work and communicate. You shouldn’t feel unable to talk about neurodiversity in the workplace. When both employers and employees can have open discussions about finding ways to work more inclusively, that helps break down barriers and remove stigmas.” Check out the articles below and start the conversation. Then come to DEI Committee to share your thoughts!
Creating support for neurodiversity in the workplace
Organizations that make an extra effort to recruit, retain, and nurture neurodiverse workers can gain a competitive edge from increased diversity in skills, ways of thinking, and approaches to problem-solving.
Neurodiversity And The Workplace
Creating an inclusive and diverse workplace culture is fundamental for success.
The silent struggles of workers with ADHD
Unlike their neurotypical counterparts, workers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder often find themselves left behind.
Diversity & Inclusion Committee
The committee is comprised of staff, program managers, and senior managers coming together as partners seeking to fulfill the mission and vision of Wayside to create an environment that is respectful of all and that harnesses the power of our collective similarities and differences within the Wayside community. Any Wayside staff is encouraged to consider joining the committee with approval from their Program Director for direct service staff or supervisor for Management staff. The Committee meets monthly on the 3rd Friday of each month virtually from 9:30am to 11:00am.
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