One Antiracist Action You Can Take Today: Embrace The Antiracist Mission

“If a city was a memorial, Boston would be a memorial for America,” Imari Paris Jeffries, Executive Director of the Embrace Memorial, stated. “People come to Boston to get their American story reified. And if Boston can tell a different story about America, then America can start telling a different story about itself.” This MLK Jr. Day the Embrace Memorial was unveiled which honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, and 65 other civil rights leaders who have impacted the Commonwealth.
“There will eventually be an Embrace Center near Nubian Square that will connect King’s legacy with the ever-unfinished work of fighting for social change and racial and economic justice.” Visit and read more about this memorial and the antiracist initiatives it will lead. In particular take note of its efforts to coordinate efforts for reparations and take action.