One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Know The Root of Anti-Asian Racism

By Guimel DeCarvalho
Vice President of People & Culture, Chief Diversity Officer
Violence and the hate crimes against Asian Americans have soared since March 2020 when racist rhetoric was used to blame the spread of COVID on China. On Tuesday night, eight people were fatally shot, including six Asian women, by a white gunman. We stand in solidarity with Asian-American Pacific Islander communities.
In the last year the pandemic has fueled attacks against Asian Americans who have been spit on, harassed, yelled at and assaulted. Anti-Asian racism isn’t new in America – the United States has a long history of ostracizing, vilifying and ignoring the existence of Asian people. Do your part to #StopAsianHate by learning about violence against Asian people and the origin of terms like “model minority,” “yellow peril,” and “permanent foreigner.” Understand that the Asian-American experience is not a monolith, debunk myths and educate others.
Report a hate incident and act to #StopAsianHate here:
Read more here:
New York Times: 8 People Killed in Atlanta-Area Massage Parlor Shootings
Asia Asian Americans Then and Now
PBS News Hour: The long history of racism against Asian Americas in the U.S.
USC Pacific Asia Museum: Debunking the Model Minority Myth Asian American Millennials are Dispelling Model Minority Myths
NBC: Asian Americans now most economically divided group in the U.S., report finds