One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Know Whose Land You Are Living On

By Guimel DeCarvalho, Vice President of People and Culture, Chief Diversity Officer
Today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It is a day to celebrate all of the contributions Native Americans have made and reflect on their histories and cultures. We often forget the fact that there were millions of people in the Americas that were part of thousands of tribes and nations prior to the arrival of Europeans.
Explore the Native Land link to the right that shows exactly where all those tribes, nations and languages were and ask yourself “Why I didn’t learn about this before and how can I correct it?” Below are several links to learn more about Native Americans, the history of Indigenous Peoples’ Day and current bills in Congress that will uncover some of that history. Once you have read and learned the history, take the time to watch a lecture about Indigenous Peoples’ Day by Joy Harjo, the current U.S. poet laureate and a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Tribe. She is the 23rd poet laureate and the first Native American to hold that title.
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Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center
Even More States and Cities are Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2020
Poet Laureate Joy Harjo to Speak at MSU Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Oct. 12