One Anti-Racist Action You Can Take Today: Request an Absentee Ballot, Register to Vote, & Run for Office!

By Guimel DeCarvalho
Director of People and Culture, Chief Diversity Officer
Voting matters.
Voting is the only way to hold our elected leaders accountable. From the president, to state representative, to county district attorney, to town official it matters who has the power to change laws. These officials are often the only ones that can hold local law enforcement accountable. In our new COVID-19 world, making certain you can exercise your right to vote is more important than ever. Right now, in Massachusetts you can request an absentee ballot for municipal elections held before August 1st. You can download that request form HERE. Once you complete it, you mail it to your local election official which you can find HERE. You can also register to vote online, find out more information about voting and find out how to run for local office HERE.
Once you complete your request, help five friends do it too. Lobby the Massachusetts Secretary of State to make vote-by-mail available for the November election by emailing and calling the numbers below. Find organizations to support lobbying efforts to vote-by-mail in other states. You can start HERE.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Main Number:
Toll Free: 1-800-392-6090 (in Mass. only)
Telephone: 617-727-7030
Fax: 617-742-4528